My life as a imperfect poet

Easter Reflections

The spirit is willing, but the body is weak;

I muster up the strength, yet it seems to leak.

As you journey to death, I cannot be found;

But the death you are dying will loose my bounds.

No longer does sin reign, and run my life;

Instead I look to a day with no more strife.

This story of death seems like one of despair,

Yet this is the Father’s will, a display of His care.

In light of your love I should be inspired,

However, as I live day by day in sin I am mired.

In a world today that seems broken, crumbled,

The church, me included, seems to have fumbled.

As this day reminds us we have unrestrained hope;

We can all be cleansed by the blood-stained soap.

I am a man, You are the One that I seek;

but my spirit is willing and my body is weak.

My Life As A Chef In Training

The smoke detector blared and I sprung into action. I grabbed the nearest paper plate and started to fan near the detector to the best of my ability. Unfortunately it didn’t stop the fire department from making an appearance at the church.

It was a rude awakening right before our first Breakfast Club Bible Study with high school students. Apparently, in a kitchen without windows you have to turn on the overhead exhaust fan when you are cooking bacon, a rookie mistake.

As an incoming senior at the University of Illinois who has lived in the dorms for the last three years, I have had no reason to cook for myself. I have been at camp during the summers, so again no cooking beyond world class s’mores. This summer things were different. I lived in a house with a roommate and served as a Youth Intern here at FBC. This meant one thing. I was going to have to fend for myself and serve others food at Breakfast Club.
For me this failure at providing food for myself was a great illustration of how my spiritual walk had been going before this internship. This past semester I was struggling to dig into the Bible. This meant that I felt I was struggling to feed the people that were in my life with the Word.

Then at the beginning of my internship here I was able to include 30 minutes of quiet time in God’s Word and other quality resources daily. A quiet time with God, I heard from God was fed in that time and also throughout my time here at FBC. I was fed by sermons, by the input of the youth at different events, and other things at church. Just like any good diet, sometimes things were easy to swallow, other messages from God I was forced to ruminate on and really chew through tough meat in issues.

As the weeks passed and the internship continued there were many meals in both senses. My favorite trips usually involved ice cream. Whether it was with a good friend from college, VBS volunteers, or the “usual” trip to Steak and Shake after youth group, I always seemed to be full afterward. Not only because Ice Cream is filling, but also because I experienced true Christian community in those moments. I heard from God in those times. It was God in my favorite form.

Another thing that I learned to make this summer is steak. My grilling capabilities were put to the test several times, and sometimes the steak was a little chewy. That was another part of this time; there were some issues that came up in life that weren’t as easy to swallow, but they were certainly worth the effort. I went through tough decisions about ministries to pursue, tough theological topics with friends in discipleship, and had things in my own life that were tough to deal with. In the end, I feel like God has used this internship and the experiences of this summer to continue to shape me into the person he wants me to be.

At our last breakfast club I made one of my Mom’s favorite recipes, a ham and cheese omelet roll. No fire trucks, only good eats. I progressed in my cooking abilities and my ability to feed others; not only in the kitchen, but also in the realm of their spiritual life. It all started with my ability to feed myself, which resulted from my internship experience.

One of our last events was a camping trip with the high school students, which to me means back to the s’mores. As fall approaches and I move back into the dorms I realize that I am back to non-cooking. I now know that I am capable not only of feeding myself and others in both a literal and spiritual sense.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31

My Life As A Decepticon Turned Autobot

So a couple of weeks ago I went with some friends to go and watch one of the major movie premieres of the summer…no I am not talking about Up (although that was great!), instead I am referencing Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I enojyed the action parts of the movie, the rest of the movie was pretty pointless. I really didn’t care for the rest of it to be honest, but there was one part of value that I saw. This shouldn’t be too much of a spoiler, but a former decepticon named Jetfire is rediscovered and reactivated by Sam in his quest to defeat the decepticons. Jetfire explains that he didn’t like the decepticons and what they were doing, so he fought for the Autobots instead. The interesting thing about this is that he still talks like an decepticon, looks like an decepticon, but on the inside his thinking (one might say character) has changed. This got me thinking about God’s transforming power, and how he can take all of us decpticons [the bad guys] and transform us into Autobots [the good guys]!

This phenomenon of transformation is not limited to Hollywood either, there are a lot of transformed people in the Bible. Let’s walk through a couple of examples:

One of the examples that I think of off the top of my head is the story of Rahab that is recorded in Joshua 2. You see Rahab was a prostitute that was living in Jericho. When two Israeli spies came to her and asked to use her house for cover, she not only took them in, but she hid them. God transformed her from a prostitute to an aide of Israeli spies and she became a key part of God’s Story regarding Israel.

During the life of Jesus there was a tremendous story in the life of a wee little man named Zacchaeus recorded in Luke 19:1-10. He was a chief tax collector in Jericho. This meant that he was incredibly wealthy. It also meant that he had cheated everyone in the city. One Bible commentary puts it like this: “The Romans farmed out the task of collecting the taxes in any particular area to the highest bidder. The man did not receive any salary for his work but collected as much money as he could so that he would have a handsome rake-off after paying the government the appointed sum”. So needless to say Zacchaeus was not exactly “Mr. Popular”. This is where the height thing comes in. Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming into Jericho and wanted to see who Jesus was, but he was short so he had to climb a sycamore tree. Jesus gets to the tree and tells Zacchaeus to come down, and tells him, “I must stay at your house today.” Woah! What? The Messiah just invited himself to the most hated person in Jericho’s house for the night! What a statement amongst a huge crowd! That is exactly how the crowd reacted as well! They all began to mutter then suddenly Zacchaeus says something: “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” In that moment he was transformed by Christ! He was a decipticon that changed sides and became an autobot. He was forever changed. Let me put this in perspective for you. He ripped people off for a living! That is how he made money! And he said that he was going to pay them back four times over and give away half of his possessions! What a change!

Another example was the apostle Paul. He was born named Saul and was a Pharisee. He had everything he needed since he was born and seemed to have this religion stuff figured out. But then there was a fateful event on the road to Damascus that is recorded in Acts 9:1-19. Take a minute and read it. Saul, now Paul, goes on to do some pretty cool things. He shared the gospel on several missions trips. Oh and did I mention that he wrote a good portion of the New Testament?

So maybe you are thinking, “This is great. In the Bible people changed…but what about me?” Here is a story from my life of how God has changed me. When I was a freshman in college I was in a small group Bible study and I thought I knew it all! I could answer any question that was thrown at me, or at least that is what I thought! Turns out I was wrong about a lot of things. God has transformed me in that now when I am in studies I am willing to share an opinion, but I thrive on hearing other people’s interpretations of the passage! I am ok with being wrong, because I know and understand my identity in Christ. Because I have known God and allowed Him work with me and change me and my perspectives I am better off.

Let me tell you Christ canyou too!Here are some questions to reflect on to get you started in the transformation process. Think through each of them slowly and journal through them. Write as much or as little as you want, but spend quality time thinking about them.

God changes people through knowing Him and we know Him by spending time in the Word. Have you been spending time in God’s word lately so that God has the opportunity to change you?

Are you willing to let go of everything so God may change it all?

Spend the next few minutes praying that God will transform your life. If you have extra time read through the three passages again and continue to spend time in God’s word and listening to see if God responds!

My Life As A Wemmick (Without Stickers)

[If you haven’t read my last blog, now would be a great time to do that]

In my last blog I shared about my brokenness. I knew people would have strong reactions to that and, well, they did. and that is good. I may not be perfect, but now I don’t have to put on a show of perfection any longer. People know that I am a broken being. I let that post simmer for a little while, but now I want you all to read this post. IF YOU NEVER READ ANOTHER ONE OF MY POSTS THIS IS THE ONE YOU SHOULD READ!

So I am broken, BUT that is not the end of the story. Last blog, I talked about the public image in contrast to the private  person. I told you about my personal struggles with sin when I am alone. I admitted that I am a broken person. I simply cannot express how hard that section of life is. In that moment it can feel like you will be stuck there…forever. I am talking Sandlot, “For-ev-er. For-ev-er” kind of forever. There is just no hope. BUT there is hope. You see the truth is that by yourself it is highly unlikely that you will move from that place of terror, BUT with the help of something greater than yourself you can be transformed. What I am talking about is the grace of God. This is best described in Ephesians 2:8-10,“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

I love how this passage lays it out. Nothing that we can do can earn us salvation, can move us from that broken state that I referred to in my last blog. But with the gift of salvation that God gives us with His all-surpassing grace triumphs over our brokenness and creates us anew. In this new state we are able to not only move from our broken spot, but also do great things for God. Think about that, we are able to not only be moved from brokenness, but we are also allowed into a personal relationship with the God of the universe. We are able to be on the same team as Him and do great things for Him even after our brokenness. That is Amazing to me.

This whole senario makes me think of a story by Max Lucado titled You Are Special. The story is about a wooden people called Wemmicks. One of the Wemmicks was named Punchinello. Each Wemmick got a box of star stickers and dot stickers. Pretty ones got stars and ones with rough wood or chipped paint got dots. The ones who could do cool things got stars too, but the ones that couldn’t do anything got dots. Punchinello only got dots. He never got any stars, ever. But Punchinello’s story continues. He meets another wemmick, and is astonished that she had no dots or stars. She tells him the secret is to visit Eli, the woodcarver everyday. So the next day Punchinello goes to see Eli, and something amazing happens, Eli sees Punchinello and says, “Punchinello? How good to see you. Come-let me have a look at you.” Little Punchinello is astonished by the fact that his maker knew his name. Then Eli asks Punchinello about his dots. Punchinello responds, “I didn’t mean to Eli. I tried really hard.” Then Eli says something shocking, “Punchinello, I don’t cate what the other Wemmicks think…You shouldn’t wither . What they think doesn’t matter. All that matters is what I think. And I think you are pretty special.” Punchinello is amazed that his make would think that and wonders why. Eli then says, “Because you are mine. That’s why you matter to me.” Then Punchinello asks about the stickers, and Eli tells him the secret,”The stickers only stick if you let them.” Punchinello doesn’t understand, but Eli explains that he shouldn’t be worried, “for now come and see me every day and let me remind you how much I care.” As Punchinello walks away he realizes that he believes Eli means that he thinks Punchinello is special and a dot falls off.

Wow! What a story. The best part about it is the truth it brings about grace. You see we are a lot like Punchinello and God is a lot like Eli. He must have felt broken, worthless and hopeless kinda like we might feel when we realize our distorted image. The dots are like al of our private stuff going out into public, Many people judge us for our dots, and don’t want to associate with us, but when we go to God he calls us by name! If that is not crazy enough there is another surprise. He things that we are special, and we are that way because He made us that way! Isn’t that incredible that we are special according to the God who made us!? That the judgement of all other people in the world doesn’t matter, because all that does is God’s. My favorite story is how you get the stickers off. If you continue to go to God daily so that He can remind you how much he cares. That process is a great way to recieve the grace that God offers us. See all of us are offered the gift of grace from God, but not all of us take the time to go to God and receive this gift. So today spend some time with your maker. Read through the following passages: Psalm 23, Psalm 139, Psalm 36:5-11, Jeremiah 29:11-13, John 3:16. Let the loving words of God flow over you and watch as all the stickers, both dots and stars, fall to the wayside.

In the rest of your time sing through the lyrics of the song Amazing Grace [provided below] and think about what they mean to you.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
‘Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we’ve been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’ve first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

You see, YOU are a much-loved child of the most-high God, and that is all that matters…

My Life As A Distorted Image in the Mirror

The other day I looked in the mirror. I saw, what many other people see every day. A white male 6’1” and 235 pounds of pure muscle, and fat, and bone, but mostly just musc…ok you caught me, maybe it isn’t entirely muscle…I wish though.  Anyways…I also saw what many other people don’t see. I know who I am.  I know my past. I know my true character. I read in a book by Bill Hybels that someone once said that Character is “Who you are when no one is looking.” Think about that for a second. Think through your times alone in the last week…how do you spend your time, does it fit together with who you are when you are around others. I know that for me this is one of my biggest struggles. How do these parts of life fit together. For a long time this was a severe issue with me. When I was growing up I always knew how I should act around others, after all I am a smooth talking persuader, so generally I could get away with just about anything. In high school, I certainly struggled with this disconnect of who I was around other people and who I was when I was alone. You see, other people thought probably that I was totally living my faith out in high school. I was going to youth group every week. I had everything going for me. I had good grades. I played sports. I was close with my family. However, behind closed doors I was a different person. Throughout my high school and early college years I struggled when I was by myself. I felt lonely, like no one really cared about me. My compensation for that was turning to pornography. For nearly six years behind closed doors Satan had a hold of my life. He could and would twist my mind and distort things and really messed up some of my good relationships because of this issue. I really regret not confronting the issue of reconciling my behind closed doors me and the open me. This last year/right now for some of you this is happening before your very eyes. Maybe some of you knew nothing about it. Maybe some of you thought something was up, but weren’t quite sure what it was. Those of you who I was and hopefully still am closest with, it is a hard thing for me to tell you all of this. To let me secret life out. But at this point I am trying make the image in the mirror more realistic. I like the way the Hall of Fame Basketball Coach John Wooden puts it. He said, “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” What a great truth!

It is not all about me though. In actuality it is all for the glory of God and my attempt to follow His calling for my life. This reconciliation of the image that we know and the image that others see of ourselves is something that we are all called to do. Jesus talked often about what was on the inside, as opposed to the outside. I cannot tell you how many times I felt convicted when I heard stories about the Pharisees as Jesus condemned them for their outward appearence against their inner selves. One of the stories is found in Matthew 23: 25-28.  The NLT version of the Bible says:

“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and self-indulgence! You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too.

“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity. Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

The Mesage paraphrase reads:

“You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, while the insides are maggoty with your greed and gluttony. Stupid Pharisee! Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.

“You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You’re like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers bright, but six feet down it’s all rotting bones and worm-eaten flesh. People look at you and think you’re saints, but beneath the skin you’re total frauds.”

So what does this mean? To me this is a very convicting passage. It is all about the inside character against the outer appearance. Exactly what I struggled with for years. For years I dealt with knowing I was a whitewashed tomb…but I didn’t change. It impacted my relationships, if it impacted my relationship with you, I am sorry. I was forced to do things that I never would have done to cover up my addiction. Lying, withdrawing from groups among other things. It was just bad news. So how do we get out of this place of conflict?

The first thing that needs to be realized is that it is a process with many steps that will be different from person to person. Here is how my process worked. The general steps that I think apply to most people in reconciling their public vs. their private.

  1. The first step for me was realizing that I couldn’t do it on my own. Understanding that I couldn’t solve this thing by myself was a huge leap. It also allowed me to humbly go before God and ask for His love, power and direction in my life!
  2. Then I had to open up to people and tell them about what I was dealing with. This was something that was a huge struggle for me. It started with vauge admissions, that eventually turned into detailed accounts to trusted friends, to eventually sharing with you all here on my blog… It is scary to me that you will all know this about me, but I think it is a step that needs to happen. Part of this is developing a network of people that can hold you accountable for your actions as well. Having this support network was a key that I needed in my life. Sharing your secrets is one of the most liberating things in life! For me after I shared my struggles I felt like I was able to come before God and truly worship Him without the baggage and shame that I carried around for many years.
  3. The next step was letting go of all of the dirt in my life and replacing the old habits of my alone time with new ones. These new activities often left me feeling much more fulfilled than my old dirty habits. Some of mine were reading, journaling, meeting up with friends, calling people, or even just playing a video game.  The point is I didn’t eliminate the bad stuff leaving a huge void in my life, I had something to fill the void that was left. It has enabled me to continue to grow away from old habits and not slip into them. This is one of the things that I have struggled with most.

If these three points are happening then you are en route to reconciliation of the public and private images of you, creating one crystal clear picture in the mirror. There are so much more I could write about here, but that’s all for now. To conclude, here are some questions to ponder as you step away from my blog today…

Are you a white washed tomb? Would you drink out of your own cup? Do you have a distorted image in the mirror?

Who are you when no one is looking? If there is a difference, what is it?

Where are you on the three steps?

Have you admitted that you cannot do it on your own? Have you told anyone about your secrets? Have you let go of the bad habits and replaced them with new ones?

This is a big issue, if any of you would like to call me and ask for prayers or just want to shoot me an email prayer request or facebook message. I would love to help you through this process! I invite you to start today, because it is an exciting life changing experience.

Is it scary to start? Yeah.

Is it the hardest thing that I have ever done? Probably.

Was it all worth it in the end? Absolutely.

I would encorage you, that if any of this is hitting a chord in your life that you would bring it to God. Spend some time in prayer, journaling, talking to others. However you process, I would again encourage you to think through this issue and give control of your image to God.

My Life as a Star Struck Beach Comber

[another one that is adapted from a High School camping trip devotional]

As a guy who grew up in the church, I felt like I fully understood the presence of God and what that was all about. The presence of God to me was about singing worship  songs in church, sitting in Bible studies with my friends, going on missions trips. That is where God resided. I didn’t feel God when I was playing video games, he obviously wasn’t there when I was doing things that I shouldn’t have done. God wasn’t with me when things went wrong. And if He was, He was looking to catch me on them like a cop waiting around the corner. I came to college thinking I understood all of that. Turns out I was wrong.

I then began to understand that God is everywhere. He is as many people say omnipresent. That means that God is everywhere at all times.  This idea although not used directly in the Bible is expessed throughout both the Old and New Testaments. David often writes about experiencing the presence of God. In Psalm 139:7-12 he writes:

Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,

even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”

even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

I remember when I really understood this idea of the presence of God on a personal level. I was working at a summer camp. No electricity, no running water, no contact with the outside world. I was Unplugged essentially. I was having a rough time connecting with my fellow staff members. I felt alone and just wanted to cry. I withdrew from the group and walked along the sandy beach next to the river the camp is situated on. I looked up and, as I often do in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, stood stiff as a board in awe of the star show that was happening that night. Suddenly, I heard a message that was clear as day: “Michael I hung all of those stars in the sky. In fact I call them by name. But I care more about that last footprint in the sand that you just made than all of those stars combined.” At that moment I felt the presence of God, it wasn’t around the campfire where people were singing. The closest church was over 2 hours away. Yet God was as near to me in that day as he has ever been!

Since that night I have learned to invite Christ into every moment of my life. I look for Him and watch expectantly for His presence. I know that it may not be as dramatic as that night in the UP, sometimes as I walk back from class I am struck by God’s presence at my school. It could be sitting on the quad as I feel a gentle breeze that I feel the Lord’s embrace. I would challenge you to settle into a quiet time with God. Look for Him as you sit in His presence during your quiet times this weekend.

Today. Not tomorrow. Today. Feel the breeze on your face. Listen to the birds in the trees. Look at the grass and the many layers that it has. If you are near water, watch the waves collide with the shore. God is here.

As you sit quietly with God pray through the lyrics of this song. If you know it and you want to sing it aloud feel free. Take it in slowly and feel God’s presence in this place.

You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
You are awesome in this place, Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise
To You our lives we raise
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God

Know that this song does not only apply there, but in the car, at home, or wherever else you may find yourself.

Spend the rest of your quiet time talking with God and sitting in His presence…

My Life As A Single…Who is Not “Ready to Mingle”

[another post from the devotionals I am writing]

Throughout high school I was never really the guy that had a girlfriend. In fact I never dated anyone from my high school. I seemed to be pretty good friends with girls, and could relate ok, but I was never the cool guy. Instead a few of my friends fulfilled that role. I pretty much stayed out of the dating game until I was a senior. And when I did start to date it was a girl that lived in Ohio (2 states away). At the time I would have told you that this was by choice, I didn’t want to date, because girlfriends were expensive and kept you from hanging out with your friends. But in my heart I knew that I would love to date a girl if the opportunity that fit presented itself. It never seemed to work out. I felt like I was getting gypped. Why could all of my friends date pretty girls, but not me. I was just on the side. A perennial third or fifth wheel. When I did date the girl from Ohio that wasn’t really the same. I mean we talked a lot, but how can you really go on a date. Our idea of a date was both watching the same DVD while we were on the phone with each other. It was kind of silly looking back on it. Reflecting on my time in high school I think that it had everything to do with God that I wasn’t dating anyone. There is no way that I was ready to date, I was immature, and had plenty of stuff on my own plate that I needed to deal with. Since college has started I have dated 3 girls. They were all fun! All of those girls are awesome girls! I enjoyed my experiences with them immensely! The breakups hurt, a lot! But in the end, they were great experiences and I have gotten to know people that I otherwise would not have because of those relationships. My point is dating is complicated. Relationships are complicated. The question is what does God have to say about dating? Let’s have a look…Just open your Bibles to…wait… the Bible actually never says the word dating or courtship? While this is true, it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have anything to say about dating or courtship.

First of all, being single is ok. In fact, Paul writes that in his opinion, “It is good for a man not to marry”. In 1 Corinthians chapter 7 he continues “I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. His interests are divided. In the same way, a woman who is no longer married or has never been married can be devoted to the Lord and holy in body and in spirit. But a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband. I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.” Basically in this chapter Paul is saying that as far as relationships go, we need to do what fits us best. If we can be single that is great, because we can give our full attention to God. However if we cannot remain single it is ok, because God created relationships and marriage, and if that is how we best serve God then that is fine as well. There is no cookie cutter answer here, it takes knowing ourselves. So what about those who want to date. What’s the deal.

While for some people singleness is the path that works for them, I tend to look at dating a little differently. I think that it is ok to date. In fact, dating relationships can be a great way to learn about people and how relating works. Some of my favorite memories from my life have come out of dating relationships. So what are some guidelines for dating? I turn to Mindy Meier’s book Sex & Dating for some guidance here. She lays out some biblical guidelines better than I ever could write them. The following section is directly from her book (pgs115-118). I have added the Italicized script.

  • God should be your first love. This one is pretty basic. We are called throughout scriptures to put God first. It is in the Ten Commandments, Jesus says it is the greatest commandment, etc.
  • Give your love life to God. Letting God be in control is something that is very hard. I know for me it is getting even harder as I get older and friends have gotten married. But it is the truth God has a plan for us and if that plan includes being married or being single we have to be ok with it!
  • Learn what kind of person you connect with best. One way to do this is coming up with a list of must-haves and deal breakers. Maybe they have to be a Cubs fan (I have considered making that one of mine). Whatever they are you shouldn’t “settle” for someone. The most important thing is that we should be dating only a growing Christian. In 2 Corinthians it says not to be yoked with nonbelievers.
  • Invite outside guidance and feedback on your relationship. This important, especially if you are like me and you make decisions based on feeling instead of thinking logically. Either way it is good to invite others to be a part of supporting your relationship.
    • Parents. This may seem weird, but usually parents are a pretty good source of wisdom when it comes to relationships. It will definitely be uncomfortable at first [believe me I have done it], but not only is it beneficial to your dating relationship, but also your relationship with your parents. Plus your parents would probably get really excited about sharing their wisdom with you.
    • Siblings.  Many times siblings know us even better than our parents do. This means that they can bring up questions and make points that maybe your parents can’t.
    • Pastors, or other older people from church. These people have great wisdom, and can offer priceless advice. Plus they can help hold you accountable for your relationship, ensuring that your relationship is consistently serving God.
    • Friends. Again your friends see you in environments that your parents don’t. They know a different aspect of your personality. They can answer questions objectively like: Is this relationship benefiting me?
  • Commit yourself to sexual purity. This is one that I STRONGLY SAY. Develop boundaries for yourself BEFORE you start dating. Once you are dating and you want to develop a set together that is great! If you are wondering what that looks like I would be more than happy to share some past relationship guidelines with you.
  • Be cautious about giving your heart away. The way that I would put this is for you is not using the “L” word yet. The word I am talking about is “Love”. It is a major commitment to tell someone that, and really it should be saved for the person that you are going to marry. If you use it too soon, it cheapens the word. Trust me here. I am speaking from experience.
  • Pray. This goes back to letting God be in control of your relationships. Ask God to guide you toward fulfilling His will with your relationships.

So after all of that, here is the rest of my story. Right now I am single. Not in a relationship, and I am learning to be ok with being single. It is a hard thing for me, but I know that it is God’s will that I am single. I think that until I am comfortable being single and I am not consistently thinking about dating, I will not be ready to mingle. And that’s just fine. Who knows what God’s plans are, all I know is that His plans are far better than my own, even when it comes to relationships, so I am going to go with Him.

For those that have never dated anyone, relationships and friendships still matter. The first steps are just being friendly. Many people have a tendency to withdraw, sit alone, etc. This is like wearing a HUGE Do Not Disturb sign around your neck. Although you may want to talk to people, the sign that says “come hang out with me” is covered with the other sign. So what can we do to work on this? Mindy Meier suggests the “S and S” method. This means “Smile and Speak”. Whenever you are walking around at school or at youth group or other extracurricular activities, try just smiling and saying “Hi” to start. It may seem awkward at first, but it will become more natural and the benefits are immeasurable.

In your remaining time you can journal and pray through the following questions:

Have I invited God into my relationships? What role does he play? Do you trust His plan?

What are my boundaries? Both physically and emotionally.

What does my must-have and deal breakers list look like?

If you are in a relationship, are others giving you feedback?

If you aren’t in relationship and never have been[or even if you are], do you “Smile and Speak” to others around you?

My Life As An Amateur Poet [Where I’m From]

“Where I’m from”

I am from rolling waves

From iPods and book lists

I am from never rung doorbell or unlocked door

(Old fashioned, silent, you just walk in)

I’m from the lake

Whose waves come crashing in and winds cool the earth around me.

I’m from fresh cut lawns and loud voices

From Michael (Jr.) and Jill

I’m from the long storytellers and carwashers.

From “Holy Cow!” and “Hold on Little Britches.”

I’m from the spot at church

By the waterfall, a place to call home.

I’m from first-born son and only grandson

Friday night pizza and kraft dinner for breakfast

From the time I held my family at bay in the garden

The laugh of my Grandpa after another story

From albums in the entertainment center, to files on the computer

Pictures and videos document as much as possible, people always required.

I am from first time through,

with several more to come.

I am from same name, same nature,

From writer on the side to reporter for real.

I am a much-loved child of the MOST HIGH GOD

And to me…

That’s all that matters

Last year I was at SLT and exactly one year ago from today we wrote a poem about ourselves. I like mine and I figure it should be included in my blog…If you want to try your hand at it the form can be found at this link: The template is at the bottom of the page.

My Life As Stretch Armstrong Between Two Body Builders

[This is a post that comes from a High School Camping Trip with the Youth Group I am working with.]

As guys our society often suggests that we are not to have emotions, and if we are, they are supposed to fit into a tight list. This list includes: agression, anger, pride, shame, sadness, lust, etc. Looking back at that list, its depressing. Seriously read that again…it sucks. Oh and don’t forget the exception. In sporting events you are allowed to cry and have joy after a championship game. Christianity seems to have a completely different set of expectations when it comes to emotions for males. The perception is that the perfect Christian guy is tame, happy [all the time], confident[but not boastful], humble, cheery, enthusiasm, caring, compassionate. This leaves us in the middle often confused of what we are actually feeling. Because we spend so much time thinking about what we are emoting, we end up just gretting frustrated and the only emotion that seems to come across is frustration and anger.

stretch-armstrongI am reminded of a toy that I used to have growing up. Stretch Armstrong. Basically the point of this thing was that me and at least one other friend would pull on Stretch’s limbs and as his name suggests he would stretch out. Now the one thing about Stretch is that he supossedly went right back to normal when you let go. Well it was more of a slow process. In fact, I probably had about 3 Stretches in my childhood, because they would crack open and the syrupy liquid would come pouring out. We as young Christian males are stuck between these two titans of strength when it comes to emotions. One body builder is society and their expectations and the other the church and its own expectations. And it seems like we just don’t have any control. The truth is that we need to examine what the Biblical example of emotions look like. And what better place to find that then the Bible. Jesus was fully God and fully human, what better example to look to for what emotions should be. Here is what the author of Hebrews had to say about the emotions of Jesus.

“For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.” Hebrews 4:15

Jesus understands our emotions, because he has experienced them. So in re-examining what the Bible, instead of people, say about what emotions a few things become clear. First of all, we are in control. We are not Stretch Armstrongs…that’s actually the point, we are called to have self-control. As long as we have control over our emotions, and they don’t have control over us, then it is ok to feel them. So how do we deal with our emotions and gain control over them. I think there are three good steps to take.

First, Acknowledge intial responses. Don’t tame your emotions. Don’t hold them back. Feel joy, sadness, etc. It is how we were designed. God gave us emotions for a reason.

Secondly, express your emotions. Let them flow. It is ok to be mad, Jesus was (Matthew 21:12-13). Its ok to question God, Job was famous for that. The point is emotions are ok, they are in fact good! As long as they are undercontrol they are awesome. If it is sadness that is completely fine. “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35).

Thirdly, discuss your emotions with someone else. Yes I know this sounds girly, talking about our emotions, but guys from my experience this works. Knowing that you aren’t alone, whether it is in emotions or actions or whatever else is such a good feeling. I have four or five really close friends that I know I can share anything with. Let me tell you processing through things can be good. Sometimes this can be a third party, but a lot of times it takes having a tough conversation with the person we are dealing with.

With the rest of your time go through some of your favorite Bible stories and find all of the emotions, list the emotions and look at the wide range. If you don’t have favorites or don’t want to spend time looking them all up go through the life of Jesus and look at all of the emotions that he felt.

My life as a scrap on the cutting room floor

I have a love/hate relationship with a lot of things in my life. Technology,the Cubbies, the Illini, Relationships, etc. All things that can get me really high or really low. And when they combine, there is a great potential for great highs and tremendous lows.  It is a perfect storm of sorts, where Satan is able to take advantage of small things in life and combine them into one intimidating wall of stuff that we feel that we have to deal with.This natural disaster came around me recently.

You see the thing about the perfect storm is that it is not necessarily a typhoon of rain, but rather the exact opposite. Instead it can be the absence of something, and the absence was present this weekend. You see my life was not full of a terrential downpour of rain on the crops of my life, instead all I wanted was a little rain, and instead all I got was harsh sunshine.

This weekend was intimidating, unplanned, and out of my control. For those reasons, it was not exactly an ideal weekend heading in, but the opportunity was there for a fun time. Plus it was July fourth weekend which meant that it had to be fun, or at least I thought so. It was fun, but at the same time quite taxing. I enjoyed the company, but there were a lot of things going on that I just was not ready to deal with. It made me miss people in my life, family, friends who weren’t here, and especially someone who has been special to me for the last year. In fact today happens to be the day that we met one year ago. Alone not too bad, but in combination with other things that were happening hard to deal with.

Something that I have been learning is that relationships sting when they go bad, and it is not a small sting. Small things continue to rub dirt into the wound and make it hurt and fester if not properly attended to. Mine has not I am discovering as nearly a month later things still sting, badly. Something as small as  a facebook notification, something that used to bring me great joy now, just depresses me. See what used to be the presence of a refreshing rain has oft turned into a desert of feelings. That brings me to technology.

Today I was at work and struggling once again with Internet and printing. The beauty of technology is that when it works effectively, great things can be created, it makes work less taxing, and generally improves life. After all, the idea of technology is that it makes life a little better, and a little easier. Today it made my day more difficult, and contributed to the weather conditions in regards to my perfect storm. I was having trouble printing out the pictures of a missions trip to put on a bulletin board, not a huge task, but a frustrating one if it doesn’t get done. Finally they printed and I was able to spend some high quality time cutting them out and getting them ready to post. I sat there cutting off the white edges and watching them fall to the table, never able to connect in quite the same way they had originally. I saw them go from being a part to being alone. Here is where technology re-enters, this time in tandem with relationships.

So one of the cool things about computers is the ability to edit pictures virtually. It can save a bad picture and improve a great one, the possiblities are basically endless. If someone cannot attend an event you can “photoshop” them in. It is a great tool of inclusivity, but with that kind of potential…

what about the opposite?

What about when you are cut out?

This is what I experienced yesterday. People that have the ability to make you feel your best also have the ability to take away any good feelings that you may have. And let me tell you, lying on the floor as a scrap is something that makes you feel like scrap without the “s”. You are essentially garbage. Unwanted. Waste. Unnecessary. Discarded. And these were the thoughts that I had as I realized I was cut out.

But then I realized, in thinking about my friends, haven’t we all been cut out at sometime or another. Maybe it hasn’t been a significant other for everyone, maybe it was a coach, maybe it was a parent, maybe it was a friend, maybe it was a complete stranger. We have all been cut out and left lying there, feeling all of those feelings of self-pity. But is that the only option? Isn’t there more or are we forced to accept our fate? This is the reason I write today. I feel like many times I accept my fate along with many others, because we have too good of a time feeling down. I think that if we turn to God he has a plan for all of us scraps. He simply did not create us to be alone, instead he created us to be in a colorful and diverse community of all different colors, shapes, sizes. I think of the image of a mosaic.

A mosaic is a picture that is made of many smaller scraps of paper, on their own they may seem useless, but together what a beautiful picture they seem to make. You see we can focus in our view on our scrap and feel alone or hopeless, or we can let the great artist that is God use each of us, every “scrap”, for his purpose. You see God has a great view than we do, he sees the entirety of the mosaic, not just a part of it. His expansive view is great and He is creating a masterpiece. He wants us all to be a part of it, we have to let Him and not wallow in self pity, instead letting Him place us where we belong… So in my storm metaphor let God be the weatherman. He knows what we need and knows where we fit in to the masterpiece way better than we do, although at times it may be hard to see that.

I think of when David is confronted in the Bible after the “Bathsheeba incident”. God says to David a great promise. After listing a bunch of things he has given to David 2 Samuel 12:8 says, “And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more.”

Think about that for a second…

He would have given you even more…

Than you ever could have needed…

What a great promise. God is for us. He will provide. We will end up where we are supposed to in the great mosaic of his community. If we let Him. What a great comfort to a lonely scrap, lying on the floor.